Prevention Tips

61 items

How to Prevent and Recover from a Stress Fracture

Prevention Tips A Stress fracture is generally caused by repetitive actions or overuse. Which results in a serious bruise or crack in a bone. This most often occurs in the feet or lower legs. Commonly during activities such as running, jumping, or walking. Drastically changing the intensity, frequency, or duration of activity is not recommended. [...]

5 Simple Steps to Reduce Injuries While Gardening

June is the month for celebrating National Gardening Week, which offers a terrific opportunity to enjoy getting out in your garden, along with the millions of other Americans who share your hobby. Additionally, gardening is a great way to get exercise as you get your yard in shape too. Although gardening is a healthy, low impact [...]

When Rain Causes Pain

April is a month that's traditionally recognized for its spring showers. Although nearly everyone enjoys May flowers, nobody enjoys the joint pain that many people experience during cool, rainy weather. In fact, a recent survey disclosed that two-thirds of those people who have chronic joint pain believe there's a correlation between changes in the weather [...]

Your Pain Could be Piriformis Syndrome

The piriformis muscle begins in the lower spine and connects to each thigh bone or femur, helping the hip to rotate and enabling the foot and leg to turn outward. When the piriformis muscle deep in the buttocks spasms, it can push against and aggravate the sciatic nerve, triggering pain, numbness, and tingling all the [...]

Yoga for Your Spine Health

For most people, yoga is a very safe form of exercise. It is possible for almost anyone to benefit from regular yoga practice. And with a good instructor, even those who suffer from chronic back pain or have had back surgery can find it helpful. Benefits in Practicing Yoga for Your Spine Health There are many benefits [...]

12 Best Ways to Prevent Falls this Holiday Season

Often, in the bustle of the holiday season, people don’t exercise the caution they might during less hectic months. When you’re stringing lights and hanging wreaths we want you to have a safe and joyful season. There are so many activities to enjoy and nobody wants to add a visit to the emergency room for [...]

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Simple Tips to Avoid Common Halloween Injuries

It may come as no surprise that Halloween is one of the top three holidays when an emergency room visit is made, but some of the risks may not be the ones you’d guess. Therefore, it's important to know hot to avoid Halloween injuries. Avoid Halloween Injuries When Pumpkin Carving Of course, pumpkin carving is [...]

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7 Ways to Alleviate Tense Neck Muscles from Stress

When we are affected by neck pain from stress, most of us realize that stress can manifest itself in our bodies. And can appear in many ways, including headaches or tight muscles. When we experience anxiety, we’re putting our bodies through extensive, long-term stress. Our bodies are in fight or flight mode and then release [...]

Can You Feel the Weather in Your Bones?

We have all heard the old saying about feeling the weather in one’s bones, but is it true? The answer is yes, and here’s why. Changes in barometric pressure and temperature can dramatically affect our bodies, especially if we have arthritis. Therefore, you can feel the weather in your bones. What Studies Suggest In a [...]

How to Prevent Sport and Exercise Injuries

Increasingly, people have been listening to the advice of health professionals regarding the benefits of exercise. The problem is that sport and exercise injuries can happen when we don’t warm up, don’t train properly or we overdo the activity. Common sports injuries, such as: Ankle Sprains – A sprain occurs when the band of connective tissue [...]

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