Sports Medicine

16 items

ACL Injuries: Early Symptoms and When to Seek Medical Attention

Learn the early symptoms of ACL injuries, including the telltale pop, swelling, and knee instability. Find out when to seek medical attention and the best treatment options to avoid long-term damage. Stay informed and protect your knee health.

Returning to Sports and Activities After a Labral Tear: Guidelines and Considerations

Discover guidelines and considerations for safely returning to sports and activities after a labral tear. Learn about rehabilitation, gradual progression, and protecting the injured joint.

Managing Knee Pain in Athletes: Tips and Strategies for Injury Prevention

In order to prevent knee injuries and manage knee pain, it is important for athletes to understand the causes of knee pain and implement effective injury prevention strategies.

4 Simple Steps To Prevent Common Knee Injuries

When any of the parts of the knee joint are injured or damaged, they can lead to pain and other problems in your knee including limited motion or instability. The following steps can be taken to prevent a knee injury

3 Knee Strengthening Home Exercises

While knee strengthening exercises do not affect the knee joint directly, they help strengthen the muscles surrounding it leading to better support for the knees. This provided support may help alleviate knee pressure and strain, which can also relieve pain.

Tiger Woods Accident Left Him with a Rod, Screws, and Pins

As most of us know, Tiger Woods has been through many surgical procedures, including spinal fusion surgery. And unfortunately, the terrifying Tiger Woods car accident Tuesday in Los Angeles left him with open right leg fractures.

Prompt Treatment for Acute Exercise & Sports Injuries

You can manage many acute sports injuries from home. In fact, this will be helpful before an appointment with your physician. There is no specific treatment regimen. Although, according to professionals, mild sports & exercise injuries can be treated at home. Treatment should be guided by the P.R.I.C.E protocol, Protection, rest, ice, compression, and elevation. These have [...]

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