Q & A by Raina
Welcome to our section of Questions & Answers by Raina, aimed at all our patients and website readers. Raina Diedrick is licensed and certified Physician Assistants – primarily focused on Spine Intervention and Pain Management – at Spine & Orthopedic Center. In this section, Raina answers the most frequently asked questions by our patients and website readers. Do you have a question for her? Leave your question at the end of the page! We will publish their answer for you as soon as possible.
Can you lay on your back after surgery?
Yes, you can lay on your back after surgery. To reduce pain after a spinal procedure it is typical for a patient to lay on their side or, believe it [...]
Why do I have shoulder pain from golfing?
There are several reasons you could be experiencing shoulder pain from golfing or playing a sport in general. This can only be diagnosed by a professional. Although typically, when someone [...]
How can I stop sciatica pain?
It is very common for people to think of sciatica as a condition. Although, it is not. Sciatica pain comes from an underlying cause. If you suspect you are experiencing [...]
How long do you stay in the hospital after a spinal fusion procedure?
A common hospital stay following a spinal fusion procedure is two to six days. This also depends on several additional circumstances, the hospital location and intensity of the surgery. There [...]
What are NSAIDs and how do they work?
NSAID's are pain relievers such as aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, sodium, meloxicam and diclofenac. Most are non-prescriptive and over the counter. These are popular treatments for muscle aches and pains or [...]
Do epidural steroid injections just mask the pain of a herniated disc?
The gel-like material within a disk called the nucleus pulposus can bulge or rupture through a weak portion of the surrounding wall also known as the annulus. When this material [...]
What is myofascial pain syndrome and trigger points?
Myofascial pain syndrome is a chronic pain disorder. In myofascial pain syndrome, when pressure is applied to sensitive points in your muscles called trigger points it causes pain in seemingly [...]
My baseball-playing son hurt his shoulder. What do I do now?
The first line treatment for a sports-related shoulder injury is RICE: rest, ice, compression, elevation. If the pain, swelling, and difficulty using the arm persists, then an evaluation by an [...]
Now that I am feeling better, how do I manage my pain if it comes back?
If your pain returns, one of the first things we recommend is to modify your activities. Stay away from activities which aggravate your condition. Anti-inflammatories, a home exercise program, and [...]