Sciatica and Nutrition: Foods to Eat and Avoid for Pain Relief
Discover the best foods and nutrients to eat (and avoid) for managing sciatica pain. Learn how to reduce inflammation and support overall health...
Discover the best foods and nutrients to eat (and avoid) for managing sciatica pain. Learn how to reduce inflammation and support overall health...
A number of sciatica home treatment strategies exist to help you achieve a stronger, healthier spine, reducing your sciatic pain symptoms. Common home treatment strategies for sciatica include...
A herniated disc is very common in people aged 35-55. In fact, one of the most common causes of sciatica is a herniated disc. This comes as a shock to most people. However, there are things you can do to prevent sciatica from a herniated disc. What is Sciatica? Sciatica (lumbar radiculopathy) is a combination [...]
Are you having trouble finding sleep positions for sciatica? Our physicians and physical therapists at SOC are sciatica pain specialists. Our physical therapists have put together an article on the best pillows and sleeping positions for someone living with sciatica. Also, see 5 Things You Need to Know About Sciatica Sciatica can be extremely uncomfortable, especially with the stabbing [...]
Typically, the warm flashes last only for a few seconds and then disappear. However, over time they become more persistent and painful.
It is very common for people to think of sciatica as a condition. Although, it is not. Sciatica pain comes from an underlying cause. If you suspect you are experiencing sciatica pain, contact your healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis. A common stretch exercise to relieve pain from your sciatic nerve is below: [...]
Sciatic nerve pain (sciatica) is a burning sensation that spreads down through all of the area surrounding the Sciatic nerve. Here are 5 things to know about sciatica...