Neck Pain

20 items

From Text Neck to Chronic Pain: The Alarming Impact of Technology on Spinal Health

Excessive smartphone use is leading to spine problems like "text neck" and chronic pain. Explore how technology affects spinal health and discover practical tips to maintain a healthy posture and prevent long-term issues in the digital era.

How Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Is Revolutionizing Back Pain Treatment

Discover how minimally invasive spine surgery is revolutionizing back pain treatment, offering faster recovery, less pain, and smaller scars. Learn more!

3 Tips To Help Prevent Myelopathy

Although Myelopathy often develops as a result of the natural aging process, the following 3 tips can take give you the best chance of slowing it down and preventing the spinal degeneration and narrowing that often leads to myelopathy.

The Effects of Poor Posture on The Body

Posture is the position that you hold your body at while standing, sitting, or lying down. A correct posture is the position of the least amount of stress. So, pressure on the joints, muscles, and tissues is at a minimum. Therefore, providing the most efficient movement. A prolonged posture causes the CNS (central nervous system) [...]

Best Pillows & Sleep Positions For Sciatica

Are you having trouble finding sleep positions for sciatica? Our physicians and physical therapists at SOC are sciatica pain specialists. Our physical therapists have put together an article on the best pillows and sleeping positions for someone living with sciatica.  Also, see 5 Things You Need to Know About Sciatica Sciatica can be extremely uncomfortable, especially with the stabbing [...]

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