As Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” And even thousands of years afterward, food remains to be a vital part of health. Food provides the nutrients that our cells need to perform their daily functions. These include vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and essential fatty acids. However, anti-inflammatory food can help certain conditions, such as:
- Diabetes
- Hypertension
- Obesity
Food is a crucial part of most treatments. Plus, also physical activity and prescribed medications. Although this depends on the specific health condition. However, if you had taken medicine for several years, your gastrointestinal tract may be a bit sensitive. Therefore, it is a good idea to focus on anti-inflammatory food.
Many foods display anti-inflammatory properties. And this happens after certain substances released during their digestion and absorption. However, these substances can be powerful in maintaining a healthy balance. Underway scientific research is trying to show evidence that inflammatory conditions can be changed. And through regular consumption of foods belonging to the Mediterranean diet. The main features of such a diet are high consumption of the following:
- Vegetables & Fruits
- Bread
- Wheat
- Olive oil
- Vinegar
- Moderate consumption of wine
Based on that, we are going to highlight the anti-inflammatory properties of 5 different foods that will provide a healthier and more balanced diet, especially if you have an inflammatory disease or want to prevent one.
Anti-inflammatory Food:
Grapes, wine, and berries
These are all important because they have anti-inflammatory molecules. Plus, it will also reduce oxidative stress as they fight inflammation. Additionally, grapes and berries are also ingested through concentrated juices. There have been proven effects against inflammatory damage. Even grapeseeds can prevent chronic inflammation of the colon. But only once digested.
Broccoli is considered to be one of the best moderators of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory conditions. In fact, if they are age-related. The anti-inflammatory properties of broccoli work along with the nutritious content in vitamins and minerals. This provides a full-packed anti-inflammatory food. Broccoli can inhibit the mechanisms. Through which your immune system overreacts and starts damaging your own body. As such, this food can provide a protective effect, even in low doses.
You might wonder if potatoes are your best friends or number one foes. However, eat them in moderation. Especially if you have diabetes or any sugar-related problem. But, they are not an ill food choice. Potatoes have an anti-inflammatory effect! And even counter gastritis and reflux. For more nutrition, eat them with the peel on!
These little seeds have increasing amounts of essential fatty acids, especially omega 3. Consuming flaxseed oil and extracts has anti-inflammatory properties. As a matter of fact, even more than extra virgin olive oil and similar products. Flaxseeds are digested easily and have the perfect amount of fiber. This fiber will help solve many colon issues.
This is an herbal plant. This plant grows in Asia. It is most commonly prepared as a spice. In fact, turmeric is one of the spices with the highest anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. In fact, clinical trials have been done with prolonged intake of turmeric. These studies showed that it provides protection against inflammation, oxidation stress, and cellular death.
Although there are anti-inflammatory foods available, sometimes it is not enough. If you are in search of a top orthopedic specialist, call us at 888-409-8006.
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