Golf is considered a low-impact game. However, it is also the cause of a considerable amount of injuries. A golf injury is typically related to poor posture or overuse of joints. Common injury areas are the elbow, lower back, wrist, hand, and shoulder.
There are many ways you can avoid a golf injury. Start off with the following tips.
- Always warm-up before you practice your swing or play a round of golf.
- Gradually work up to your desired level of activity instead of spending hours practicing on your swing.
- Strong muscles are connected to a good swing. Although you do not need to bulk up to hit a long drive. The stronger your muscles are, the better your club speed will be!
- Flexibility is another significant factor in your swing. Stretch your muscles regularly to improve your range of motion for a more fluid swing.
- Stay active to build up your endurance. Regular activity will allow for staying power on the course.
- If you are carrying your own clubs, make sure you use proper lifting techniques. So, you do not injure yourself. Always keep your back straight and use strength in your legs to lift.
- Proper footwear is a must on the course. Dress for comfort and protection from elements.
Adjust Your Swing for Golf Injury Prevention
When golfing, you use your entire body in your swing. And this must be done in a coordinated movement. If you are a frequent golf player, this can cause significant stress on tendons, joints, and muscles with repeated motions such as these. Over some time, this can cause injury.
There are key tips you should always remember, such as:
- Proper posture is crucial. Make sure you stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and rotated slightly outward, and with your knees slightly bent.
- Stay smooth throughout your swing. The power of a golf swing comes from force smoothly moving from one place to another. In fact, this occurs throughout all the muscle groups from your wrists to your ankles. You may be prone to injuries if you only use one body part for your hitting power.
- Do not overswing. You may stress your joints if you swing the club too hard or fast. Keep yourself relaxed before a swing, so your joints are not tense or stressed. And take a nice and easy swing at the ball.
Be Mindful of Hazards on the Course
Make sure to always use sunscreen, wear UVA sunglasses, and keep a hat or visor handy when on the course.
Watch for symptoms and signs of heat exhaustion, dehydration, and heatstroke. Always have plenty of fluids with you while on the course and drink plenty of water when you feel thirsty. Symptoms to look out for heat-related injuries, such as:
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Weakness
- Nausea
- Rapid heartbeat
- Muscle cramps
- Confusion
Play Smart on the Course to Avoid a Golf Injury
Make sure to always protect yourself, whether golf is a new sport or a lifelong passion, it’s smart to protect yourself from golf injuries.
If you experience a golf-related injury, please call us at 1-888-409-8006 to schedule a consultation or talk with one of our friendly representatives today.
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