A few months ago, Dr. Ashish Sahai represented the Spine & Orthopedic Center at the Spine IEP Fellows & Young Surgeons’ Course! SOC was among other esteemed colleagues and academic universities to represent this event! This course is the largest live course for spine and neurosurgery fellows in the US.

Spine Fellows and Young Surgeons from top spine centers and hospitals across the US attended the annual Spine IEP Fellows & Young Surgeons’ Course, which was held in San Diego, CA. The three-day course has been developed specifically to educate spine and neurosurgery fellows and young surgeons on current topics pertaining to the practice of spine and neurosurgery as well as to assist attendees with the transition from academics to practicing surgeon.

The format for this course is highly interactive – all sessions concluded with Q&A sessions and panel discussions. Fellows and young surgeons also conducted didactic sessions with course sponsors.
